Portfoio Details
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Project information
- Description: The Spot is a dating application that facilitates the discovery of your ideal match.
- Category: Mobile Application
- Technologies: ReactNative
- Project URL: https://thespot.com
The Spot
- The Spot is a dating application that facilitates the discovery of your ideal match.
- Developed approximately 50% of the project while adhering to best practices and employing comprehensive state management through the React Context API.
- Created various custom hooks like useAuth and useCallApi to enhance functionality.
- Incorporated features such as Google Maps, Google Ads, Google Analytics tools, Firebase Notifications, Twilio SMS Notifications.
- Constructed multiple functionalities, including User Lists on Google Map View and List View, Drop Pin, Edit Settings, Chatting, In-App Subscription, Google Ads, and more.
- Successfully integrated Facebook and Apple logins using GraphQL and Apple API within React Native technology stack.