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Project information
- Description: A comprehensive online platform for convenient booking and renting of vehicles.
- Category: Web Application
- Technologies: React, React Query, CakePHP
- Project URL: https://devnode.devtechnosys.tech/Enjoy
- Enjoy Vehicle Rental offers the convenience of booking or renting cars and sea vehicles online.
- Developed the entire project from the ground up.
- Implemented React with React Query as the front-end framework, alongside a CakePHP multipage application on the back end.
- Constructed a Provider Panel allowing vehicle providers to efficiently add and manage cars, locations, availability, earnings, bookings, reports, and more.
- Developed a dedicated Admin Panel for the Enjoy Vehicle Rental Administrator.
- Integrated PayPal Payment Gateway to facilitate seamless online payments.
- Employed a diverse Technology Stack: React, React-Query, CakePHP, JavaScript, MySQL, Amazon AWS, HTML, CSS.